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46762 chickens 197  chickens 197   This is oil painting of chickens on canvas.
67580 Child Hiding Behind Egyptian Sculpture  Child Hiding Behind Egyptian Sculpture   Description Theodoros Rallis - Child Hiding Behind Egyptian Sculpture, Luxor.jpeg
50860 Child Portrait of Mary-s son  Child Portrait of Mary-s son   mk216 in 1603 he was also crowned James I of England.
52722 Child protrait of Mary-s son  Child protrait of Mary-s son   mk223 Oil on canvas
80889 Child sitting on swing  Child sitting on swing   Date 19th Century Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions 8 x 8 inches cjr
80888 Child standing on swing  Child standing on swing   Date 19th Century Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions 8 x 8 inches cjr
57198 Children  Children   mk253 canvas 121 x 200 cm in 1957-1960 in St. Petersburg, Russia museum
73181 Children on a Dune  Children on a Dune   Oil painting reproduction of Ferdinand du Puigaudeau. cjr
76601 Children with Parrot  Children with Parrot   1850 cjr
50905 Chinese Jade book  Chinese Jade book   mk216 Painted for the Emperor Ch-ien Lung
79260 Chinese Laundry  Chinese Laundry   Chinese Laundry, painting, oil on canvas, 50.5 x 40.5 cm, by Peter Purves Smith Date 1937(1937) cjr
34148 Chinese Princess  Chinese Princess   mk90 Prince Humay Dreams that he Meets Princess Humayun of China in her Garden Herat c.1430
45836 Chiriu out of the series the 53 stations of the Tokaido  Chiriu out of the series the 53 stations of the Tokaido   mk178 1833/34 Color woodcut 22.7x35cm London
56891 Chisinau to leave the island Li Ya  Chisinau to leave the island Li Ya   mk250 oil painting on cloth. In the year 1717 -1719. About 130 x 193 cm. The Louvre in Paris.
63760 Choir screen with the Crucifixion  Choir screen with the Crucifixion   1245 Stone Cathedral, Naumburg Inside a Gothic cathedral, the nave was usually separated from the choir by a large stone choir screen, called a 'pulpitum' or 'jub?, which excluded the lay public from the liturgy performed behind it. The screens at Chartres and Amiens were later removed, but at Naumburg a superbly carved example from the middle of the thirteenth century has remained intact. Scenes from the Passion of Christ are carved in relief across the upper level; but it is the life-size figures over the projecting gabled porch that serves as the entrance to the choir that are most striking. Traditionally the three figures of the Crucifixion - Christ flanked by the mourning Mary and St John - were placed atop the screen, but here they are brought down to the level of the worshippers. The anguished Virgin turns to the beholder as if to say "Look!'", while on the other side St John provides another point of emotional entry into the scene, drawing viewers closer to Christ. The statue of Christ stands at the threshold between the priest's and the lay person's space, allowing the clergy almost literally to pass throiugh his body as they enter the sanctuary. Inside, the walls are decorated with large figures, after the manner of the Ste Chapelle in Paris. The figures are secular benefactors of the cathedral.Artist:GOTHIC SCULPTOR, German Title: Choir screen with the Crucifixion Painted in 1201-1250 , German - - sculpture : religious
43381 Cholula, the holy city and Quetzalcoatl  Cholula, the holy city and Quetzalcoatl   mk171 Desecrated by the new civilizing God
64925 Christ and the Twelve Apostles  Christ and the Twelve Apostles   1100 Wood, 103 x 130 cm Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona The earliest surviving examples of Spanish panel paintings are the altar panels produced by painters active in the workshops attached to religious houses. These panels were intended for the decoration of altars and the choice of theme was confined to the symbolic representation of figures from the New Testament. Scenes from the lives of saints were but rarely depicted. In practically every one of these panels we find centrally placed in the composition the figure of the Virgin or of Christ, surrounded by a round or oval halo. Round the central figure are narrative scenes or a hieratic arrangement of the apostles. This panel, now in Barcelona, is a typical example of such a retable. Its painter is referred to as the Master of Seo de Urgell. There are innumerable contemporary miniatures in which the faces and the drapery of the garments have been painted in a similarly stereotyped manner. Every single figure is schematic: the apostles stand stiffly upright, each one holding some object by which he can be identified - and yet the artist has breathed life into these figures. Christ, judging the world, places his hand on a book with the very gesture that might be used by a student of the law as he closes the codex in which he has sought guidance in reaching a fair judgement. At the same time there is in the iconography all the naivete of folk-art: the detail and ornamental elements convey the painter's delight in unrestricted decoration. , UNKNOWN MASTER, Spanish , Christ and the Twelve Apostles , 1101-1150 , Spanish , painting , religious
27565 Christ and the woman of samaria  Christ and the woman of samaria   mk56 oil on canvas Follower of Lodewijck Toeput,called il Pozzoserrato
30361 Christ as a Warrior  Christ as a Warrior   mk68 Mosaic, Ravenna Archbishop's Palace
53630 Christ as Valdsharskare, Virgin Mary with child and the saints  Christ as Valdsharskare, Virgin Mary with child and the saints   mk234 about 1190
52774 Christ at the house of martha and mary  Christ at the house of martha and mary   mk223 oil on canvas
52736 Christ Discovered in the Temple  Christ Discovered in the Temple   mk223 Oil on canvas
41924 Christ Enthronement with Queer  Christ Enthronement with Queer   mk166 1130-1132 Mosaico House of God of Holy Queer Trastevere,Roma
41761 Christ Glorified and Blessing  Christ Glorified and Blessing   mk165 Decoration of an opus sectile Coming from an edifice near port Marina
45502 Christ in Emmaus  Christ in Emmaus   mk186 around 1626-29 Cento, Pinacoteca Civica
41762 Christ in Mosaic  Christ in Mosaic   mk165 Chapel of San Prisco Near to Santa Maria Capua Vetere
68259 Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane  Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane   Technique Oil on canvas Dimensions 99 ?? 75 cm
56841 Christ in the Lee home at the end of  Christ in the Lee home at the end of   mk250 Year in 1573. Oil on canvas, 564 x 1295.4 cm around. Venice School of Fine Arts
29182 Christ Laid in the Tomb  Christ Laid in the Tomb   mk65 Tempera and Oil on panel 37x71 1/2"
48471 Christ leads his faithful bride into the new garden of the church,  Christ leads his faithful bride into the new garden of the church,   mk190 Engraving from i David,Paradisus sponsi et sponsae 1618 Bristish Library.London
65102 Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and St John the Evangelist  Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and St John the Evangelist   1413 Vellum, 41,5 x 29,5 cm Town Archive, Brno The folio is from the Missal of St Vitus Cathedral in Prague, otherwise known as the Olomouc Missal. In a frame of a standing oblong shape, which gives a three-dimensional effect, the crucified Christ is represented between the figures of the Virgin and of St John the Evangelist. The marginal decoration of scrolls of acanthus leaves springs from the corners of the frame, and encircles a small, round field at the bottom, where the Vir Dolorum is depicted. The acanthus decoration which had been made some 10-20 years earlier in the workshop which executed commissions for the Emperor Wenceslas, is here arranged in a more regular and decorative manner, the scrolls and leaves being even more stylized. They have virtually assumed a metallic hardness. In the picture itself the features which formerly characterized the International Gothic style have been further modified to the point of being exaggerated. All elements in the picture have been made secondary to a desire for decorativeness: Christ's ribs form a regular pattern of parallel lines, as do the veins of the wood of the cross. The crown of thorns looks like an ornamental head-dress rather than an instrument of torture; and the drops of blood falling from the wound of Christ on the kerchief of the Virgin harmonize beautifully with her cherry-red lips. Though the figures beside the cross are slender, in accordance with the taste of the period, they are wrapped in enormously ample draperies. But to show the Virgin so full of joie de vivre that she almost seems to be dancing does not suit the mood of this picture. Furthermore, St John is so enveloped in a mass of draperies disproportionate to his small head that he appears to be hiding someone under his garments. His right arm extended to touch the cross looks rather distorted; it is too long and is twisted at the wrist in a strange, unnatural manner. These extremely stylized idioms of form fit the abstract and symbolic figure of the Vir Dolorum better; even so, the way that the end of His loincloth is placed in front of the sarcophagus and arranged in a decorative manner, seems to indicate certain playfulness whose purpose is not fully clarified. International Gothic art, no doubt, had always been in danger of becoming exaggeratedly stylized, and by the time the style was coming to an end this contrived and purposeless formalism had begun to dominate it, particularly in the work of minor artists. In the miniature in Brno a feature appears which is in sharp contrast to the accepted qualities of the International Gothic style, a feature which is more characteristic of the art of subsequent decades: instead of soft, wavy lines the folds show harder lines and sharper angles (particularly in the mantle of St John. , MINIATURIST, Bohemian , Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and St John the Evangelist , 1401-1450 , Bohemian , illumination , religious
91915 Christ on the Cross by Anton Raphael Mengs. Now in the Palacio Real, Aranjuez, in the former bedroom of King Carlos III.  Christ on the Cross by Anton Raphael Mengs. Now in the Palacio Real, Aranjuez, in the former bedroom of King Carlos III.   Oil on wood, 198 x 115 cm. Date ca. 1765-68 cjr
51078 Christ on the Cross with Mary as Intercessor and a Donor  Christ on the Cross with Mary as Intercessor and a Donor   1420-30 Oak panel, 70,3 x 71,6 cm
30379 Christ Pantocrator  Christ Pantocrator   mk68 Mosaic Cefalu Cefalu Cathedral c.1155 Italy
41764 Christ Pantocrator  Christ Pantocrator   mk163 Egg tempera on plaster on wood 47.5x30cm
41765 Christ Pantocrator  Christ Pantocrator   mk165 Mosaic Museo del Bargello Florence
41768 Christ Pantocrator  Christ Pantocrator   mk165 Saint Catherine Monastery
83706 Christ Rising from the Tomb Ambrogio Bergognone  Christ Rising from the Tomb Ambrogio Bergognone   Oil on panel, 114.5 x 61.2 cm 1490 cjr
39410 Christ the sublime  Christ the sublime   mk148 Its representation of hell, Purgatorium and paradise were influenced of that" visions of the Esra"
82217 Christen Thomesen Sehested  Christen Thomesen Sehested   Date 1600s Medium Oil cjr
75749 Christiaan Julius Lodewyck Portman  Christiaan Julius Lodewyck Portman   Date 1836 Materials: oil on canvas Measurements Painting: 990 x 1333 mm Credit line: National Maritime Museum, London cyf
82072 Christian Frederik Ditlev Reventlow  Christian Frederik Ditlev Reventlow   Date Late 1700s Medium Oil cjr
76894 Christian II, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken-Birkenfeld  Christian II, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken-Birkenfeld   1732(1732) Oil on canvas cjr
73198 Christian Mali Schafherde mit Esel  Christian Mali Schafherde mit Esel   Oil on canvas Dimensions: 56 x 86.5 cm cyf
56747 Christian mourning  Christian mourning   mk250 Macedonia, with Qi Lei, St. Pantailaimeng church frescoes.
49333 Christmas Eve  Christmas Eve   mk195 West Point Museum United States
88034 Christus betritt mit seinen Jungern den Garten Gethsemane  Christus betritt mit seinen Jungern den Garten Gethsemane   1888(1888) Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions Deutsch: 65,3 x 85 cm cjr
42595 Christus in majesty, page from the bible of Stavelot  Christus in majesty, page from the bible of Stavelot   MK169 1093-97 Parchment 57.5x37cm
42580 Christus Pantokrator  Christus Pantokrator   MK169 ca. 1020 n. Chr. Mozaiek in the Dome of the Church to Daphni By Athens
65211 Chronicle of Anonymous  Chronicle of Anonymous   1200 Illumination on archment National Sz?ch?nyi Library, Budapest The picture shows the first page of the Chronicle of Anonymous. The anonymous notary of King B?la III, P. magister, is identified as Peter, the bishop of ?buda. It is assumed that he studied in Paris, and from his exact description of the region it is also assumed that he came from Zempl?n, Upper Hungary, where Hungarian tribes conquering Hungary first settled. Artist: MINIATURIST, Hungarian , Chronicle of Anonymous , 1201-1250 , Hungarian , illumination , historical
43439 Chroniclers like Francisco  Chroniclers like Francisco   mk172 Lopez de Gomara maintained that the conquest had accomplished its purpose thanks to the invervention and assistance from such Biblical personages as the apostle St.James the Greater.
57168 Chrysanthemum  Chrysanthemum   mk253 oil painting 98 x 98 cm Moscow in 1905, the State Tretyakov Gallery collection
67365 Chrzanowska na zamku w Trembowli  Chrzanowska na zamku w Trembowli   Description Löffler-Anna Dorota Chrzanowska na zamku w Trembowli.jpg Polski: Anna Dorota Chrzanowska na zamku w Trembowli Oil on canvas, 65x89, Gallery of Art in Lviv
66797 Chtrelis  Chtrelis   Painting of the Spanish artist Ignacio Trelis.
52765 Church of St Mary  Church of St Mary   mk223 Oil on canvas
61522 churchill blev symbolen for den okuvliga engelska motstands viljan under krigsaren  churchill blev symbolen for den okuvliga engelska motstands viljan under krigsaren   mk275 churchill blev symbolen for den okuvliga engelska motstands viljan under krigsaren
41915 Cibeles With one dove and one paternal  Cibeles With one dove and one paternal   mk166 Entre the centuries III and II a.c. Museo Archeology Nacional,Reggio di Hawser
53644 Cimabue, Maesta  Cimabue, Maesta   mk234 1280-85 386x225cm
57162 Cinder seized  Cinder seized   mk253 oil painting 80 x 107 cm in 1894 in St. Petersburg, Russia museum
49664 Cinnamon husband am creating to one moths food  Cinnamon husband am creating to one moths food   mk199
50981 Circuit Rider  Circuit Rider   mk217
56996 City  City   mk250 Year in 1919. Oil on canvas, about 231.1 x 298.5 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art.
48844 Civilisation hogborg  Civilisation hogborg   mk187 Pa Drottningholms palace together am threading Vitterhet,Somstiftats of Lovisa Ulrika 1753
43412 Civilizing missionaries, teachers apostolicos  Civilizing missionaries, teachers apostolicos   mk171
57774 claes brorsson ralamb  claes brorsson ralamb   mk260 claes brorsson ralamb,portratterad av david klocker ehrenstrahl.som sandebud i konstan tinoel 1656 fick ralamb smaka kaffe en kokad dryck av bonor,som de dricker hett istallet for brannvin. kaffet hade inforts till europa av venezianarna omkring ar 1580, men kom inte till sverige forran i borjan av 1700 talet
48513 Clandon Park  Clandon Park   mk190 1708 a view of the spectacular gardens designed in the 1690s for Richard 1 st Baron
45974 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 01  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 01   Hunting fox and wild animals.
45983 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 010.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 010.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
45984 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 011.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 011.   one white horse and some dogs
45985 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 012.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 012.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
45986 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 013.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 013.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
45987 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 014.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 014.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45988 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 015.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 015.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45989 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 016.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 016.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
45990 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 017.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 017.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
45991 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 018.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 018.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45992 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 019.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 019.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45975 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 02.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 02.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
45993 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 020.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 020.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45994 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 021.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 021.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
45995 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 022.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 022.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
45996 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 023.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 023.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
45997 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 024.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 024.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
45998 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 025.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 025.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45999 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 026.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 026.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
46000 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 027.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 027.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
46001 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 028.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 028.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
46002 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 029.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 029.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45976 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 03.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 03.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
46003 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 030.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 030.   Mauled, hunting dogs and hunting horse.
46004 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 031.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 031.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
46005 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 032.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 032.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
46006 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 033.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 033.   Hunting fox and wild animals.
46007 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 034.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 034.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
46008 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 035.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 035.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
46009 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 037.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 037.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
46010 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 038.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 038.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.
46011 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 039.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 039.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
45977 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 04.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 04.   Classical Equestrian and Beautiful Horses.
46012 Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 040.  Classical hunting fox, Equestrian and Beautiful Horses, 040.   Classical oil paintings on canvas of hunting sports.

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